june 2020 edition.

- The Californian Century, BBC Radio 4
- Nina, Radiolab
- The Mekons, Exquisite
- Bob Dylan, Rough and Rowdy Ways
- Chris Corsano, Everything About It Video (excerpt) (h/t Jesse Jarnow)
- Neil Young and the Stray Gators, Tuscaloosa
- Roscoe Mitchell, Splatter
- Dirty Projectors, Flight Tower
- boygenius, boygenius ep (h/t Alison Bartolone)
- Homi Bhaba, “Signs Taken for Wonders: Questions of Ambivalence and Authority under a Tree outside Delhi, May 1817,” Critical Inquiry 12, 1 (Autumn, 1985), 144-165
- Tiffany Lethabo King, The Black Shoals: Offshore Formations of Black and Native Studies
- Isaiah Berlin, Historical Inevitability
- Robert Musil, “On Stupidity”
- Maria Golia, Ornette Coleman: The Territory and the Adventure
- Tomeka Reid, “On Onomatopoeia”
- Steffani Jemison with Garrett Gray, “On Similitude”
- Cauleen Smith, Human_3.0 Reading List
- The Drawings of Al Taylor, Morgan Library and Museum
- Jean-Jacques Lequeu: Visionary Architect. Drawings from the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Morgan Library and Museum
- Alfred Jarry: The Carnival of Being, Morgan Library and Museum
- Arthur Jafa, Love is the Message, The Message is Death
- Rennie Harris PureMovement, History of Hip Hop, Bates Dance Festival
- Pivot Arts Festival, Un(Touched)
- Irene Hsiao, Score for an Unfinished Dance
- Red Clay Dance, Re-Imagined Resilience
- Kathryn Hamilton/Sister Sylvester, “Halobiont”
- Ron Brown, Evidence
- Bruce Molsky @ The Old Tone Music Festival