hot fun in the summertime: micro and macrocosmic views on the summer of love, the sixties 10, 2 (december 2017).

My keynote address from the conference Revisiting the Summer of Love, Rethinking the Counterculture: A Conference on the 50th Anniversary of the Summer of Love this past summer in San Francisco is now published in The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics, and Culture. The talk tries to provide a new and different framework than previous histories of the Summer of Love. How? By considering the Haight-Ashbury as an epicenter of the counterculture through the microscopic-telescopic-kaleidoscopic lenses that participants themselves used as they explored what it meant to pursue “serious fun,” what Sly Stone complexly termed “hot fun” in the summertime of the Summer of Love. Welcome to the Meatfeast! (Read the talk to see what this means.)