discussing the grateful dead’s europe ’72 tour & the woodstock transnational on the good ol’ grateful deadcast.

I really enjoyed talking with Jesse Jarnow, host of the Good Ol’ Grateful Deadcast podcast, about the Grateful Dead arriving on their Europe ’72 tour as emissaries of “Woodstock Nation,” helping to establish what I call, in The Republic of Rock: Music and the Sixties Counterculture (Oxford University Press, 2013), the Woodstock Transnational. We discuss this at about one hour and forty minutes in to the “Netherlands ’72” episode, but the whole season and indeed the whole podcast is worth a listen whether you are a Deadhead or just curious.
One correction: I mention an essay about the planned Woodstock in Bamako and the teen clubs of the city. It’s partly about photographer Malick Sidibè, but it is by the Malian film critic Manthia Diawara. You can read a version of the essay here.
Appreciated hearing your comments, especially a mention of Malick Sidibé. I’m wondering if you were referring to the photographer from Bamako. I’ve never heard of him being a film critic / professor of film studies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malick_Sidib%C3%A9 Cheers from here.
Glad you caught that!! I was referring to an essay by Malian film critic Manthia Diawara *about* photographer Malick Sidibé’s photos of the various teen clubs in Bamako and the goal to produce a Woodstock-like Festival in Bamako in the early 1970s. The essay can be found a number of places, including here: https://kasc.ku.edu/sites/kasc.drupal.ku.edu/files/files/The%20Sixties%20in%20Bamako%2C%20Manthia%20Diawara.pdf.