sights & sounds from the berkeley folk music festival project @ digital liberal arts behind the scenes, ctlr lounge, davis library, middlebury college, tuesday, 20 february 2018.
A collaboration between Michael J. Kramer (Assistant Professor of the Practice, Digital History/Humanities; Associate Director of the Digital Liberal Arts @ Middlebury College) and archivists at the Northwestern University Library, the Digital Berkeley Folk Music Festival Project explores digital modes of activating and analyzing the 36,000 artifacts in an archive of a folk festival held annually on the University of California Campus between 1958 and 1970. Digital curation, annotation, timelines, mapping, glitching experiments, an audio podcast series, and multimedia essays become a means for participants, researchers, students, educators, and aficionados to create and contribute to a digital public history website. We’ll dig into three specific examples drawn from the larger project—podcasting, image glitching, and a digital mapping project—to discuss how the digital can activate an archive of artifacts when they contain the traces and residues of intangible cultural heritage and the ephemeral past.
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